wtf is self?

Let's say you wanted to design a useful little machine called a widget, and start producing them in a range of colours. First thing you'd do is design a blueprint. In python, writing a class is much like writing a blueprint for something. Let's write our widget!

class Widget:

Well. That was easy. We could start producing these widgets right away if we liked.

first_edition_widget = Widget()
second_edition_widget = Widget()
third_edition_widget = Widget()

Nice! We have our widgets. Each widget is an instance of Widget and is its own object. We don't yet have a way to give our widgets a range of colours though. Giving our class an __init__ method will enable us to initialise each widget with a colour. Let's do that, and then create a red widget.

class Widget:

	def __init__(self, colour):
		self.colour = colour

red_widget = Widget('red')

So, generally speaking, if you're reading this you should know that our red_widget now has a .colour attribute which can be accessed by red_widget.colour. But what is self? What is an instance? How is the red_widget instance different from the Widget class definition?

How about we add a what_colour method that allows widgets to tell us their colour, to illustrate what self means.

class Widget:

	def __init__(self, colour):
		self.colour = colour

	def what_colour(self):
		print(f"I'm a {self.colour} widget :)")

>>> red_widget = Widget('red')
>>> blue_widget = Widget('blue')

>>> red_widget.what_colour()
"I'm a red widget :)"
>>> blue_widget.what_colour()
"I'm a blue widget :)"

Here we can see that an instance of a widget is able to refer to parts of its self, using self. When a widget looks up self.colour it looks up its own individual colour. We can see the blue widget is aware it is blue, and the red aware it is red. These are completely independent objects with their own ideas of self. Just like I can say "This is *my* coffee" our widgets can say "This is *my* colour" - by means of the idea of self. This is true for all instances of any class.

self refers to the instance from which self is being used.

What is the self in the method signature here though: def what_colour(self):

This more than anything, is a formality. A language design choice. A method needs to know which instance of a class it's dealing with, and passing the actual instance to it is the most explicit way of doing this. Python will automatically pass self for us, but not receive it for us. This allows us to have things like @staticmethod which you can read about yourself.

To reiterate, how come we do red_widget.what_colour() rather than red_widget.what_colour(red_widget) if the method needs to know what instance it's working with? Well, we could do the latter if we wanted! We can demonstrate how self is the exact same as red_widget in the following example:

class Widget:

	def __init__(self, colour):
		self.colour = colour

	def what_colour(self, pretend_self):
		print(f"I'm a {pretend_self.colour} widget :)")

>>> red_widget = Widget('red')
>>> red_widget.what_colour(red_widget)
"I'm a red widget :)"

This time, we never used self at all! self was passed as the first argument to .what_colour by python, and then we passed our instance of the red widget to its self, and used that in place of the automatically passed one. There was absolutely no difference in terms of functionality from the last time we ran .what_colour normally.

If you're very clever, having been told that an instance's method needs to be passed its self as an instance you're wondering why. Why can it just *know*? Well, when you call a method on an instance, behind the scenes python is really calling the instance's class' method and passing the instance. Look at this:

class Widget:

	def __init__(self, colour):
		self.colour = colour

	def what_colour(self):
		print(f"I'm a {self.colour} widget :)")

>>> red_widget = Widget('red')
>>> Widget.what_colour(red_widget)
"I'm a red widget :)"

^^ that is why when defining a class, the methods must accept an instance!